Floors protection WATER-BASED EPOXY RESIN DEPRO AQUACHOC VITI Water-based epoxy coating special for cellar floors and walls Protection and decoration High resistance to wear Packaging : 10kg (base + hardener) View
Floors protection COATING OF WINE EFFLUENTS DEPRO CHOC ANTI-ACIDE Special epoxy coating for wine effluents Guaranteed Pentachlorophenol-freeHigh chemical resistancePackaging :Colourless 5 kg kit (Resin: 3.06 kg + Hardener: 1.94 kg)Red brown kit of 5.5 kg (Resin: 3.56 kg + Hardener: 1.94 kg) View
Floors protection CELLAR FLOOR COVER PAINT DEPRO CHOC INTENSE VITI Odour free, does not produce any olfactory effect that may potentially contaminate stored liquids. Solvent-free guarantee. Highly resistant to impact and abrasion. Impermeable to gas and liquid. Can be applied in smooth or anti-skid versions. View
FINISH WATER-BASED EPOXY RESIN DEPRO LASURE BÉTON VITI Water-based epoxy coating special for cellar floors and walls View
New Woods protection copy of VARNISH FOR WINE STOREHOUSE DEPRO VITRILAC VITI Single-component polyurethane varnish for parquet floors, floors, stairs. Protects wood against the action of air, water and all surface aggressions. Varnish based on bio-sourced raw materials in aqueous phase. Glossy, satin or matt finish. View
Walls and ceilings protection WATER REPELLENT PROTECTIVE WALLS & FLOORS SCAR IMPER VITI Microporous water and oil repellent waterproofing agent for the sanitary protection and decoration of mineral supports in cellars. View