The reasoned conception of premises must integrate the use of coatings, specific construction materials, who answer to the requirements of wine maturing and participate actively to the control of professional risks by ensuring the safety and the well-being of the operators.
Control of biological disorders
From harvest to consumption, grapes, must and the wine evolve in a sensitive environment, favourable to a rapid and abundant proliferation of biological contamination sources.
Premises of Wine making, maturing, bottling, storage of dry matter have an influence on the final quality of the wine. Moulds are found everywhere in wine storehouse, casks, under-maintained cellars. (Mucor, Penicillium, Aspergillus Versicolas, ochraceus, cinérea Botrytis, Trichoderma ...)
The relation between the environment (air, material ...), products (grapes, must, wine ...) and micro-organisms are well established. Preventing contaminants appears, in the vineyards, as a priority.